Page 35 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #41
P. 35

equipment for the Arctic offshore oil and gas devel-  shallow depths. But deepwater areas aren’t only pos-  bled. Therefore, Arkhangelsk’s “Arctic activity” should
 opment, offshore platforms, propulsion systems and   sible, they are absolutely necessary here. This would   be measured not in tons, but based on load rates being
 their components, specialized vessels, nuclear-pow-  the right point to start from if we want investors to   experienced by its nodal elements. General cargoes are
 ered icebreakers and customized marine equipment   appear.   complex in the sense that they require extra services,
 for use in high latitudes.   The deep-water area could appear here even in two   special handling technologies, storage conditions and
 Ship repair services are available from quite a   places – the remoter zone for handling bulk (dusty,   special packaging. Remote locations would simply be
 number of the local shipyards – Krasnaya Kuznit-  dangerous) cargoes and the estuarine water area – the   unable to do it all. All of it is done here. This is what
 sa, Arkhangelsk Trawl  Fleet  maintenance  facility,   latter currently receiving more terminals and may, in   we call logistics keeping Arctic projects going – plants,
 Arkhangelsk Fleet Repair and Maintenance Facili-  the future, be chosen as a location for new ship repair   mining facilities, shift camps. This would be enough
 ty, Laisky Ship Repair Yard, Optimist Group, Pomor   yards. The distributary of Korabelny or Kuznechikha   load for some time – fifty years minimum.
 Shipyard. These and other shipyards provide repairs   could serve as main deep-water fairway. Here appear   The enterprises interested in using Arkhangelsk
 and refurbishment to sea- and river-going ships, fish-  new terminals, evidencing that there is good poten-  as their transshipment point do need deeper along-
 ing vessels, icebreakers, research ships and the fleet   tial for Arkhangelsk to become a transport hub. It just   side depths. All else is here – railways, motor ways,
 involved in Northern Supply Haul and delivery of   needs more port areas and these need deeper depths   airports, well-developed industrial and urban envi-
 cargoes to the Arctic projects.   and specialization. And, if we talk about reorienting   ronment. But, it would be good to also have a rail-
 Now that ship repairs can no longer be received at   the existing cargo flows, these depths should be the   way line avoiding bridges, for bridges are a risk. Any
 European ports, more shipowners are turning to the   deepest.   slightest probability of risk should better be avoided,
 domestic yards, including those in Arkhangelsk. The   Arkhangelsk is a strategic port of Russia. It is well   and in this sense Belkomur is just the right project.
 yards, in turn, have set about upgrading their facili-  protected and has direct access to the World Ocean.   The area around its northern haul is where timber in-
 ties and capacity, and in doing so many rely on their   No investment will be excessive to promote its further   dustries operate. Add to this the timber coming from
 own investment sources. Our major defense enter-  growth, and the moment is now. The only trouble is   the Komi Republic, and the main body of the cargo
 prises have been placed with orders for two floating   the probability of foreign policy events taking a nega-  base in right in your hand for shipping both by road
 docks. Once completed, not only will they absolutely   tive course, but that’s highly improbable.   and sea.
 increase our capacity for meeting the procurement   The path for Arkhangelsk to follow is towards   When it comes to timber sector, it only changed
 needs of both defense and civil sectors, they will min-  containerization. It should be a port for Eastern   direction, not sources of its export sales. The sources
 imize our problem of dock space shortage.  shipments and East-bound timber, pulp and paper.   of raw wood remain unchanged. They are Arkhan-
 It should focus more on pellets as a potential cargo.   gelsk, Karelia and Komi. We now have to think dif-
 Sofia Katkova, Morstroytechnology, Project Man-  Only then will it be able to retain its status as a main-  ferently here: we should try and consolidate the trade   vatek and Norilsk Nickel, followed by Gazpromneft
 ager:  stay of the Arctic projects. Its role as such didn’t start   at source, not market, and then approach the market   and construction sites of Vostok Oil, Severnaya Zvez-
 In my opinion, Arkhangelsk gets much less atten-  yesterday. It didn’t start with the 18th-century geo-  with large, consolidated consignments.  da, Baim Mining and Processing facility, and Arctic
 tion in the NSR Development Plan than it actually de-  graphical expeditions, it started when Arkhangelsk   LNG 2. Until 2022, cargoes would be transported via
 serves. The part regarding it (“integrated development   got to handle cargoes bound for the Norilsk Indus-  Vladimir Panov, Rosatom State Corporation,   the NSR mostly to Europe, but now their direction is
 as a transport hub”) sounds rather broad, but it gives   trial Hub – more than 70 years ago.   Special Representative on Arctic Development:   towards East. In the eastern sector of the NSR, regular
 Arkhangelsk more room for maneuver – the port can   Arkhangelsk uses its capacity mostly to meet the   In late 2022, the NSR showed an almost one-mil-  year-round navigation is no simple thing, and we are
 choose which of its development targets should be ad-  needs of Arctic projects. The increasing number of ships   lion-ton increase in its cargo traffic, amounting to   working on it together with the shippers.
 dressed first. Unfortunately, Arkhangelsk has to prove   calling at its sea port area is proof of that. Over the past   34.1 million and contributed solely by the Russian   The Northern Sea Route represents a new devel-
 that it’s high time it went beyond its current frame-  five years, ship calls have increased six-fold, and car-  shippers. Its 2022 target was thus exceeded by two   opment  vector.  Last time the global logistics land-
 work and evolved as a seaport. Its only constraint is   go turnover at the adjacent railway stations has dou-  million tons. The number one contributors are No-  scape changed so radically was a century ago. There
                                                      are constraints, of course, but once the geopolitical
                                                      tensions have subsided, the Northern Sea Route will
                                                      be seen as one of the most attractive logistics lines
                                                      on the global map. The interest in NSR as a transit
                                                      route is very high, and so is its potential. Logistics
                                                      professionals understand the importance to Russia of
                                                      its unique experience of Arctic shipping. And anoth-
                                                      er thing we all understand is that the Northern Sea
                                                      Route is where international logistics operators can
                                                      easily hedge risks.
                                                         What we are witnessing is the emergence of a fun-
                                                      damentally new model of the Arctic shipping – with
                                                      icebreakers to ensure passage through difficult ice
                                                      (the nuclear-powered fleet alone has seven icebreak-
                                                      ers) and with modern cargo ships of the highest Arc-
                                                      tic class. The Arctic projects currently employ 43 ice-
                                                      reinforced ships. For them to meet all their goals, they
                                                      need at least 130 before 2030. This is a challenge for
                                                      the domestic shipbuilding sector: there will be many
                                                      orders to deliver, top skills to apply, and high tech-
                                                      nologies to use.

 SOZVEZDYE #41                                                                                           SOZVEZDYE #41

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