Page 14 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #41
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tion, as well as the need for a single navigation control
                                                                                                                                             center. So, relevant law was enacted on 28 June 2022 –
                                                                                                                                             Federal Law 184 – that establishes the authority of
                                                                                                                                             Rosatom State Corporation over the issues of the NSR
                                                                                                                                             management and navigation. Some time later, on 23
                                                                                                                                             July 2022, the Russian Government issued a decree
                                                                                                                                             instituting Glavsevmorput as a body subordinate to
                                                                                                                                             Rosatom and responsible for managing the navigation
                                                                                                                                             within the waters of the Northern Sea Route.

                                                                                                                                                – What precisely is Glavsevmorput responsi-
                                                                                                                                             ble for? How does it contribute to the development
                                                                                                                                             within the Arctic Zone?
                                                                                                                                                – Glavsevmorput has as its core functions the is-
                                                                                                                                             suance of Permits for NSR navigation; provision of
                                                                                                                                             icebreaking services,  which  involves  operational
                                                                                                                                             management and distribution of icebreakers; plot-
                                                                                                                                             ting navigation routes; NSR traffic monitoring; and
                                                                                                                                             reporting on hydrometeorological conditions. In
                                                                                                                                             fact, we are entrusted with the task of promoting the
                                                                                                                                             Northern Sea Route as a sustainable transport artery
                                                                                                                                             of the Russian Federation. When it comes to achiev-
                                                                                                                                             ing the targets set by Presidential Decree No. 204 en-
                                                                                                                                             acted on 7 May 2018 (“the NSR cargo traffic of 80 mil-
                                                                                                                                             lion tons in 2024”), safety comes first.

                                                                                                                                                – How does Glavsevmorput interact with other
                                                                                                                                             bodies responsible for Arctic matters?          «Ведется планомерная
                                                                                                                                                – We interact with federal executive authorities   работа с нашими партнерами
                                                                                                                                             via the Northern Sea Route Administration, which
                                                                                                                                             is a division of Rosatom State Corporation and su-  ПАО „Новатэк“ и ПАО
                                                                                                                                             pervises our performance. We are in direct contact   „Совкомфлот“ для выхода на
                                                                                                                                             with shipowners to assist them in their day-to-day   круглогодичную навигацию в
                                                                                                                                             matters, and I should say this recent redistribution of
                                                                                                                                             powers has been welcomed by all organizations oper-  2024 году»
                                                                                                                                             ating in the waters of the Northern Sea Route. I hear   “We and our partners, Novatek
                                                                                                                                             some of the shipowners thanking our people for good   and Sovcomflot, are consistently
                                                                                                                                             teamwork and writing to ask to give them a bonus. As   working to achieve the year-round
                                       планируется к запуску в 2024 году, подробная   ПАО «Совкомфлот» для выхода на круглогодич-            a director general, I only welcome this performance   traffic as early as in 2024”
                                       информация будет размещена в официальных     ную навигацию в 2024 году.                               and feedback. The faster this interaction, the more
                                       источниках позднее.                                                                                   efficient we are settling different issues. Every min-
                                                                                       – Какой вы видите роль Северного морского             ute counts in conditions of the Northern Sea Route.
                                         – Расскажите, пожалуйста, о показателях су-  пути в российской экономике? Будет ли он толь-
                                       доходства по СМП за прошедший год. Есть ли   ко национальной магистралью или все же сможет               – Are there any digital services being developed   Norilsk Nickel MMC, Rosneft in the Yenisei Bay, and
                                       прогноз на будущее и можно ли в обозримой    стать международной транспортной артерией?               at Glavsevmorput to make the interaction more   Baim Mining and Processing Plant in the Chaun Bay.
                                       перспективе ожидать начала круглогодичной       – С каждым годом вклад Северного морско-              convenient for the shipowners and other parties in-  In 2022 there was a significant reduction in the num-
                                       навигации?                                   го пути в российскую экономику увеличивается,            terested in operating in the Arctic? If so, when will   ber of foreign ships calling at our ports – it’s actually
                                         – В 2022 году было выдано 1163 разрешения,   открываются новые проекты, в ближайшем бу-             it be possible to use them?                   easier to give the number of those that are still calling.
                                       из них 1108 разрешений выданы судам под рос-  дущем объемы судоходства кратно возрастут, от-             – We have joined the work to create the Unified   These are fifteen Arc7 LNG carriers and two chemi-
                                       сийским флагом, 55 – судам под иностранным   кроется круглогодичная навигация. Такие темпы            Digital Services Platform (UDSP), which is led by Ro-  cal tankers that are loaded with gas condensate in Sa-
                                       флагом. С 2020-го количество разрешений пре-  позволяют смотреть в будущее с уверенностью и           satom State Corporation. UDSP is going to be a one-  betta port. If we talk about plans, the projected vol-
                                       вышает тысячу ежегодно. В 2022 году ФГУП     оптимизмом. Конечно, в настоящее время коли-             stop shop for servicing shipowners, ship masters, car-  ume of the cargo traffic is established in the Northern
                                       «Атомфлот» выполнил 726 ледокольных прово-   чество иностранных судов в акватории резко сни-          go carriers, charterers and other market participants   Sea Route Development Plan 2035. It is worth noting
                                       док атомными ледоколами. До 2020 года число   зилось, можно сказать, их практически нет. Санк-        (the services including permit issuance, contracting   that year-round navigation is currently possible in the
                                       таких проводок за год не превышало 510. С 2021   ционное давление продолжается, но совместными        for icebreaking services or navigation and data provi-  southwestern sector of the Kara Sea. As for year-round
                                       года произошел значительный рост числа ледо-  усилиями  российских  ведомств  и организаций           sion, navigation support, monitoring, ship dispatch-  navigation along the entire NSR, we and our partners,
                                       кольных проводок за счет поставки строившихся   осуществляется переориентация на рынки стран          ing). The system will be easy to use. Each user will   Novatek and Sovcomflot, are consistently working to
                                       в Южной Корее газовозов и, соответственно, по-  Азиатско-Тихоокеанского региона, что означает         have access to their personal area to order services   achieve the year-round traffic as early as in 2024.
                                       вышения интенсивности отгрузки сжиженного    открытие новых возможностей для международ-              from. The first-priority services are scheduled for
                                       природного газа с завода «Ямал СПГ» через мор-  ного судоходства. К тому же статью 234 Конвен-        launching in 2024, and we will later come with more   – How do you see the role of the Northern Sea
                                       ской порт Сабетта; строительства объектов ин-  ции ООН по морскому праву от 1982 года никто           details in the official sources.              Route in the Russian economy? Will it be a Russian-
                                       фраструктуры ПАО «ГМК «Норильский никель»,   не отменял, и в акватории СМП нет дискримина-                                                          only waterway or will it still be available to interna-
                                       ПАО «Роснефть» в Енисейском заливе; развития   ции по признаку государственного флага судна.             – Could you give any NSR traffic figures for the   tional traffic?
                                       проекта Баимского горно-обогатительного ком-  Разрешительный порядок судоходства для ино-             past year? What is the forecast and can we expect   – The role the Northern Sea Route plays in the Rus-
                                       бината в Чаунской губе. Количество судозахо-  странных судов продолжает действовать, но он            navigation to become year-round in the foreseeable   sian economy is only increasing with years as new proj-
                                       дов под иностранным флагом в 2022 году значи-  не ужесточался. Мы открыты для всех.                   future?                                       ects start. We expect a several-fold increase in shipping
                                                                                                                                                – In 2022 we issued 1,163 permits, of which 1,108
          SOZVEZDYE #41                тельно сократилось, проще сказать, кто остался:                                                       were applied by Russian vessels and 55 by ships fly-  once the NSR becomes a year-round navigation route.   SOZVEZDYE #41
                                                                                                                                                                                           The positive dynamics it now shows inspires optimism
                                       это 15 газовозов ледового класса Arc7 для вывоза   – Sergey Nikolaevich, why was it decided to es-
                                       СПГ и 2 танкера-химовоза для вывоза газокон-  tablish a new body for managing the Northern Sea        ing foreign flags. The number of permits we issue ev-  and confidence about its future. There are, indeed, only
          развитие                     денсата из морского порта Сабетта. Если гово-  Route? What was wrong with the way the system          ery year has been above one thousand since 2020. At-  a few foreign ships, if any at all, and sanction pressure   развитие
                                                                                                                                             omflot’s nuclear-powered icebreakers were called 726
                                                                                                                                                                                           keeps rising, but the Russian authorities and organiza-
          development                  рить о планах на будущее, то прогнозируемый   functioned?                                             times in 2022, whereas before 2020 they never assisted   tions are joining their efforts to reorient to Asia-Pacific   development
                                       объем грузопотока утвержден Планом развития     – In  November  2021,  an emergency occurred
                                       Северного морского пути на период до 2035 года.   within the waters of the NSR: twenty-four ships were   for more than 510 times. This increase in the icebreak-  markets, which means new possibilities for internation-
                                       Стоит отметить, что навигация в юго-западной   trapped in ice as a result of sharp weather deteriora-  er assistance demand started in 2021 and was due to   al shipping. Besides, Article 234 of the UN Convention
                                       части Карского моря осуществляется круглого-  tion in the East Siberian Sea. (The media reported the   the supply by South Korea of gas carriers needed for   on the Law of the Sea 1982 is still in force, so there is
                                       дично. Что касается круглогодичной навигации   event as “Pevek Crisis”). It exposed the need for re-  shipping the liquefied natural gas from Yamal LNG   no discrimination against flag on the NSR. Permits can
                                                                                                                                                                                           still be issued to foreign ships, there’s been no tighten-
                                                                                                                                             plant via the seaport of Sabetta. Other projects that
          12                           по всей акватории СМП, то ведется планомерная   distributing the authority towards more centralized   are contributing to this increase include those run by   ing. Our doors are open for all.                          13
                                       работа с нашими партнерами ПАО «Новатэк» и   issuance and termination of Permits for NSR naviga-
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