Page 28 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #37
P. 28

другие трудности, проекты в российской Аркти-  that we source from Europe and Asia, and arranging
                                        ке успешно реализуются. И понимают, что нужно   for their delivery using the most optimal scenarios by
                                        возвращаться на этот рынок. Сегодня мы факти-  land, water, and air transport.”
                                        чески работаем на международном рынке, заклю-    Expert-Service  teams are  servicing  the  projects
                                        чаем контракты с компаниями из разных стран. У   that are deployed in the White Sea, Kara Sea, Barents
                                        нас есть постоянные партнеры во многих странах   Sea, Gulf of Ob, and Taz Bay. These projects involve
                                        Европы и Азии. Реализация масштабных проек-   geological exploration, field development and infra-
                                        тов в Арктике предполагает решение целого ряда   structure construction in the Far North.
                                        сложных и взаимосвязанных задач, и мы готовы
                                        выступать в роли участника и координатора это-   Interrelated tasks
                                        го процесса.
                                                                                         Cargo delivery constitutes a separate line of Expert-
                                           Arctic expeditions                         Service’s business. The company provides aggregation,
                                                                                      storage and transportation by sea of various cargoes to
                                           “The expeditions that provide marine engineer-  the remote Arctic localities such as Dudinka, Nova-
                                        ing, geophysical, hydrographic, environmental and   ya Zemlya, Sabetta, Taimyr, among others, unloading
                                        geological surveying services set sail to the Arctic   them onto equipped and unequipped shores.
                                        Zone regularly,” says Nikita Ananyin, Director at   “We set ourselves apart from the competition by
                                        Expert-Service. “They usually involve extensive geo-  being able to tackle technically complex tasks us-
                                        logical exploration, integrated marine engineering
                                        surveys, environmental and hydrological studies, off-
                                        shore and onshore mineral exploration and follow-up
                                        surveying.”                                      В силу климатических и
                                           Given the climatic and geographical conditions of   географических особенностей
                                        the Arctic areas, preparations for each such expedi-
                                        tion constitute a separate project with widely ranging   арктических регионов, в
                                        tasks. These projects are what Expert-Service has been   которых осуществляются
                                        specializing on for the past three years.        такие работы, подготовка
                                           Preparations start months before the expedition,
           SOZVEZDYE #37                involving Expert-Service team in fleet repair, mod-  каждой подобной
                                        ernization and maintenance, completing units of   экспедиции – это отдельный
                                        equipment, and project design documentation devel-  составной проект
            сервис                      opment.
            service                        “Expeditions have the average crew size of 70–80   Given the climatic and geographical
                                        people who need to be provided with all vital essen-  conditions of the Arctic areas,
                                        tials,” says the director. “We do the procurement part
                                        and every single operation there is the preparations   preparations for each such
                                        while onshore and until completion of works. We try   expedition constitute a separate
                                        to respond to our customer needs as promptly as pos-  project with widely ranging tasks
           26                           sible, supplying also the spare parts and equipment,
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