Page 31 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #40
P. 31

Beyond that, the roadmap envisages the construc-              NSR cargo traffic growth estimate, mln t
          tion of new and refurbishment of the existing hydro-
          graphic survey vessels; modernization of the Arctic   Project          2023             2030            2035
          weather stations; deployment in the Arctic Ocean of
          a data buoy network; and creation of Sever IT system-  Novy Port       6.14             3.14            2.09
          based digital service platform for shipowners. Fur-  Vostok Oil        –                100             100
          ther intensification of navigation along the NSR re-
          quires an expanded satellite constellation for better   Yamal LNG      20               19.5            19.5
          communication and ice monitoring. Spacecraft for   Arctic LNG 1        –                17.9            21.5
          hydrometeorological and radar monitoring will be   Arctic LNG 2        3.6              21.4            21.4
          duly placed into orbit, and there will be a satellite In-
          ternet access system.                         Ob Gas Chemical Facility  –               5.2             5.2
             As can be seen from the above, the NSR roadmap   Norilsk Nikel      0.96             1.08            1.08
          represents a comprehensive document that clearly
          outlines the stages of the action towards increased   Syradasay mine   1.8              12              12
          shipping in the Arctic. Presumably, the roadmap   Baimsky mine         –                1.38            1.01
          will receive further updates as geopolitical landscape   Other         0.3              0.77            0.75
          evolves, but for the time being it is the basic frame of
          reference for the Arctic-related industries to be guid-  Procurement, Northern   14.02  34.08           53.58
          ed by. The roadmap also provides an estimate of the   Supply Haul, transit
          NSR cargo traffic until 2035.                 TOTAL                    46.82            216.45          238.11

             До 2030 года планируется
             построить 47 судов,
             обеспечивающих безопасность
             на Севморпути, и базы
             размещения в Певеке, Диксоне
             и Тикси
             The period until 2030 will see
             the construction of 47 vessels to
             ensure the navigational safety
             along the Northern Sea Route and
             to service the facilities in Pevek,
             Dikson and Tiksi

                                                                                                           SOZVEZDYE #40


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