Page 29 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #40
P. 29

Пять универсальных
                                                          атомных ледоколов проекта
                                                          22220 должны быть сданы
                                                          последовательно с 2022 по 2030
                                                          годы; головной ледокол проекта
                                                          10510 «Лидер» – в 2027-м
                                                          The icebreaker fleet is expected
                                                          to be added with five Project
                                                          22220 general-purpose nuclear
                                                          icebreakers, which are to be
                                                          commissioned sequentially
                                                          between 2022 and 2030, and with
                                                          flagship icebreaker Leader (Project
                                                          10510), which is scheduled to be
                                                          commissioned in 2027

          Cape terminal in the port of Pevek; LNG terminals on   As to river transportation, the roadmap mentions
          Kamchatka and in Murmansk Oblast; coal and bulk   only the “elaboration of proposals towards expanding
          cargo terminals in Murmansk; and lead-zinc concen-  the river transport infrastructure to achieve a cargo
          trate shipping terminal on the Novaya Zemlya. The   traffic increase on the Northern Sea Route” and the
          ports of Dikson and Tiksi are to receive more bun-  need for the enhanced state support towards dredg-
          kering and maintenance facilities.           ing, dredging equipment manufacture and establish-
             The roadmap envisages two port hubs – the East-  ment of a single dredging operator.
          ern Transport and Logistics Hub in Vladivostok, and
          the Western Transport and Logistics Hub in Mur-  Plotting the course
          mansk. These hubs are scheduled to commence ser-
          vicing the transit container traffic in 2026. Underway   Renewal of the Arctic fleet constitutes a separate sec-
          is a project titled “Integrated Development of Mur-  tion of the roadmap. Scheduled for completion in March
          mansk Transport Hub”, with deadline in December   2023 is the development of a program for the construc-
          2024. A similar project is to be fulfilled in Arkhan-  tion of ice-reinforced cargo ships until 2035. A number of   SOZVEZDYE #40
          gelsk, with deadline 1 March 2023.           the Arctic projects – and among them Vostok Oil, LNG
             The growing volume of marine traffic will be sup-  projects, Northern Supply Haul, and the projects oper-
          ported by an expanded railway network. The end of   ated by Severnaya Zvezda and Mining Company Baim-  стратегия
          2028 will see the launch of the Northern Latitudi-  skaya – are listed as requiring new supply ships. Nine
          nal Railway – the railway that will connect Obskaya –   more container ships are expected to be built before 2027.   strategy
          Salekhard – Nadym – Pangody – Novy Urengoy –    There is a plan to engineer a high-tonnage LNG
          Korotchayevo. Estimated at RUB 506.5 billion, this   tanker and a semi-submersible ice-reinforced vessel
          project is the most expensive item of the roadmap.   for transporting of super heavy, oversized cargo. Also,
          There is a plan to lay rail tracks all the way to Western   proposals will be prepared towards increasing the nu-
          Transport and Logistics Hub and Lavna Coal Termi-  clear powered Arctic cargo fleet and enhancing the             27
          nal in Murmansk Oblast.                      support measures towards construction of ice-rein-
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