Page 28 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #40
P. 28

New base                                      One key prerequisite to the successful implemen-
                                                                                      tation of the NSR roadmap is containerization. A con-
                                           The NSR development roadmap envisages more   tainer operator is due to be established after 2024 to
                                        than 150 activities classified into several sections.   serve coastal and international shipping, with con-
                                        Section One, “Cargo Database”, describes key driv-  tainer transit scheduled to pilot in 2025–2027. By that
                                        ers of the NSR development that are expected to en-  time, proposals should be in place for the develop-
                                        sure a tangible increase in cargo traffic – the mining   ment of the container fleet and related infrastructure.
                                        projects operated by Norilsk Nickel, Severnaya Zvez-  The NSR roadmap define the scopes of geologi-
                                        da, and Mining Company Baimskaya; the LNG proj-  cal exploration to be performed in onshore areas and
                                        ects operated by Novatek; Rosneft’s Vostok Oil; and   continental shelf of the RF Arctic Zone. The road map
                                        projects owned by Gazprom Neft. Every year, these   further provides for the elaboration of mine licens-
                                        companies, together with the Ministry for the De-  ing procedures and proposals for establishing solid
                                        velopment of Russian Far East and Rosatom, the lat-  mineral clusters. Work will be finalized in the first
           SOZVEZDYE #40                ter being the operator the Northern Sea Route infra-  six months of 2023 to compile a list of products that
                                        structure, report to the government on the progress   are critical to further Arctic development and are be
                                        with these projects.                          replaced by their Russian counterparts. Relevant or-
                                           The said projects will be the main sources of car-
            стратегия                   go traffic along the NSR. The roadmap also provides   ders will be placed with the domestic manufacturers.
            strategy                    for the development of coastal shipping: there will be   Transport hubs
                                        regular round voyages from the Northwestern ports
                                        to the Far East (minimum two per year) and a sin-  The second section of the roadmap defines key
                                        gle maritime logistics operator for Northern Supply   infrastructure development projects. These include
                                        Haul. The idea to shift some of the freight from the   Utrenny LNG terminal in the port of Sabetta; Bukh-
           26                           Eastern railway range to the Northern Sea Route is   ta Sever terminal for servicing the Vostok Oil project;
                                        seen as promising.                            Yenisei terminal for Syradasay coal mine; Nagleynyn
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